光电元件 > 光学元件 - 非接触式荧光粉光源 共12条产品
序号 | 图片 | 型号 | 品牌 | ROHS | 简介 |
1 | 暂无 | CL-840-DOM15-PC | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ 圆顶 Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 4000 圆形,带圆顶 12mm |
2 | CL-830-L152-XT | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ 线性 Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 3000 115° 矩形,带平顶 152.5mm x 22.5mm | |
3 | CL-840-L152-XT | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ XT Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 4000 矩形,带平顶 矩形,带平顶 | |
4 | CL-827-L152-XT | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ 线性 Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 2700 115° 矩形,带平顶 152.5mm x 22.5mm | |
5 | CL-750-L152-XT | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ 线性 Remote Phospher Light Source 70 CRI 5000 115° 矩形,带平顶 152.5mm x 22.5mm | |
6 | 暂无 | CL-830-ELP40-PC | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ 椭圆型 Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 3000 圆形,带圆顶 22mm |
7 | CL-840-ELP40-PC | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ Ellipse Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 4000 Round with Domed Top 20mm | |
8 | CL-827-R45-XT | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ Round Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 2700 115° Round with Flat Top 45mm | |
9 | CL-750-L125-PC | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ Linear Remote Phospher Light Source 70 CRI 5000 115° Rectangle with Flat Top 305mm x 12.5mm | |
10 | CL-927-SR-PC | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ Round Remote Phospher Light Source 90 CRI 2700 115° Round with Flat Top 45mm | |
11 | CL-840-SR-PC | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ Round Remote Phospher Light Source 80 CRI 4000 115° Round with Flat Top 45mm | |
12 | CL-930-LR-PC | Intematix Corporation | Y | ChromaLit™ Round Remote Phospher Light Source 90 CRI 3000 115° Round with Flat Top 61.5mm |